Sunday, April 25, 2010

140.... or so.

Thus far my trip has been better than I could have hoped for. I've eaten more delicious seafood than I have in at least a year, had fantastically intelligent discussions on all manor of things including comics, drinking, movies, wrestling, literature and more comics. I've spent time with Dawn, Jack, and also Justin and Ann. A fantastic trip all around. But don't take my word for it. Take my other word!

Waiting at the Amtrak station. Snoring guy. Cute girl. Old guy. Me. There are a lot of old people who take the train. Who knew? Baby cooing. Train rumbling. Rain falling. Serenity. THUS FAR: written half a chapter, reread Battle for the Cowl, beat Mario 3, set some fires. Napped. Trip: great success! Hello DC. Please don't shoot me. @Britishemceelb Been shot twice. Stabbed once. Now looking for food. DC has everything!


There were Amish on the train. Clearly there on rumspringa, or whatever. And yes, the sex was amazing. His beard tickled though. @MadMike4883 Done and done! Fun fact - the bathroom floors in the DC terminal are cleaner than you'd think. I bid you adieu fair District of Colombia. I shall remember our brief time fondly due to knife wounds and bullets lodged near the spine. I am full of lobster and majesty. My mouth tastes like I made out with an old Italian grandma. Cigarettes and garlic. At a very classy wine and cheesy place. Wearing a hoodie. Einstein hair. No one bats an eye. I like this place. Tango and Cash. Excellent. Dinner with @justinkownacki, Ann, @dawnpapuga @jacksonlewis and @rufusthedog.

A wonderful time had by all. We played a game called Cineplexity. Much to my amazement, I won all three rounds. Then....

Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach. Just saw The Mighty Boosh. Wh.... wow. Extreme Rules today!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Early morning dispatch.

It's just a little after 4am as I wait patiently in the Pittsburgh Amtrak station. I've got my tickets printed, there's a man snoring loudly to my left, an infomercial for a midnight train boxed set on the tv in front of me, and a lovely girl on my left who keeps smiling at me. Not a bad start to my trip. I do another mental check for the essentials.
Bag one
Bag two
.... I think I'm all set. More once I get on the train. 8 sweet hours to Baltimore.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Final Frontier

Lunchbox is writing to you live from The Bronx in New York! Lets take a look.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lack of Digital Stimulation

Hey folks! Its been a crazy day of planes and the like. I'm finally here in Boston. A more detailed account of my trip will be forthcoming but for the time being Internet is spotty at best. For now, Ill give you a shot of the Philly food court. By far the worst part of the trip. Much more to follow.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Last Hours Before Sunrise

Hello friendly readers, fans and whoever else has found this. This weekend I have the privilege of flying to Boston Mass. for the weekend. I'm a blogger by nature so why not make a travel blog. Honestly, I was inspired by Josh and Rachel Sagers travel blog as they trek across the UK. There will be pictures, audio updates and whatever else I feel like throwing at the blog. Thanks for coming with me.

- Will