Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lack of Digital Stimulation

Hey folks! Its been a crazy day of planes and the like. I'm finally here in Boston. A more detailed account of my trip will be forthcoming but for the time being Internet is spotty at best. For now, Ill give you a shot of the Philly food court. By far the worst part of the trip. Much more to follow.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Last Hours Before Sunrise

Hello friendly readers, fans and whoever else has found this. This weekend I have the privilege of flying to Boston Mass. for the weekend. I'm a blogger by nature so why not make a travel blog. Honestly, I was inspired by Josh and Rachel Sagers travel blog as they trek across the UK. There will be pictures, audio updates and whatever else I feel like throwing at the blog. Thanks for coming with me.

- Will